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anti racism statement

papercut is committed to the ongoing learning and unlearning necessary to be an antiracist organization. Our volunteers and staff pledge to create and expand opportunities for artists as well as for music communities that have historically been overlooked. 


papercut acknowledges our white privilege and the entrenched systemic racism that we, and our organization, have benefitted from and have enabled through conscious or unconscious inaction. The arts and culture community has perpetuated white supremacy through appropriation and tokenization, such as recruiting Black people for shows and performances without integrating them into positions of leadership. Black art is a driving cultural force that has been colonized for the benefit of white people, that is why papercut is obligated to dismantle systemic racism in our arts community and understands the urgency and importance of this work.  


papercut commits to: 

  • Articulate the necessity of cultivating a deeper understanding of the communities that we serve, and incorporate their perspectives, needs, feedback, and priorities into our strategic decisions and leadership.

  • Support the Black community with access to space and resources and evaluate all decisions through a racial equity lens. 

  • Prioritize intentional recruitment and hiring practices by expanding recruitment outside existing networks.

  • Create antiracist policies within governing and management documents. 

  • Commit to the ongoing practice of antiracism as individuals and as an organization by fostering a culture of accountability and receptivity to learning.

  • Actively support the anti racism efforts of other arts and culture organizations.

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