Produced by Justin Hartinger, “Heart Attack” is a dance-pop anthem about falling for an emotionally unavailable friend, inspired by Tinsley's love for romantic comedy cliches and her own personal experiences. “Heart Attack” follows Hartinger and Tinsley's previous collaborations, “Skin” which received support from ThisSongIsSick and “Lovesick” which premiered on KEXP and received playlist support from electronic tastemaker, MrRevillz.
About Tinsley
Tinsley is a Seattle-based indie-pop singer and songwriter. Inspired by the 80s new wave, she weaves together emotion-driven lyrics and melodies to create a vibrant, synth-infused sound. With performances at Capitol Hill Block Party and Bumbershoot under her belt, she is quickly becoming a sought-after vocalist and songwriting partner to some of Seattle’s biggest electronic producers, including Justin Hartinger, Jake Crocker, and Joza. Her recent releases have received support from KEXP and C89.5.
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